Overview of the Fund
As a result of the COVID-19 public health crisis, communities across Europe are also facing a crisis of information. This situation is also testing the limits of community, local and regional media’s already fragile resilience. However, journalists have a vital role to play in supporting important information needs at this time. With support from the European Journalism COVID-19 Support Fund, they can:
- Provide crucial information about local facilities, services and businesses that is relevant to geographic communities and communities of interest.
- Mobilise people looking for ways to help their community
- Connect individuals during self-isolation and quarantine.
- Produce and explain information about health advice, government support initiatives, data and research, in ways that is relevant and accessible to certain demographics.
- Provide hope, respite and confidence by producing and distributing solutions-driven journalism.
- Keep people informed about other news and information of interest or importance that isn’t specifically about COVID-19.
Objectives of the Fund
- Reach: Fund between 100 - 300 news organisations and journalists across Europe, in order to ensure as many communities as possible benefit.
- Urgency: Provide financial support in a rapid and accessible way, which will support beneficiaries at their most crucial time of need
- Protection: Help beneficiaries mitigate challenges related to financial sustainability during the COVID-19 crisis by providing them with core funding.
- Community: Keep affected communities informed with relevant, clear and timely information about COVID-19 and other important stories, by directing support to a diverse range of grantees
- Flexibility: Provide funding that allows beneficiaries to solve their own problems.
- Inspiration: Inspire other news organisations and journalists to engage with their communities by sharing learning, experiences and knowledge.
About the Fund Partners
Since 1992, the European Journalism Centre (EJC) has been building a sustainable, ethical and innovative future for journalism through grants, events, training and media development. It is an international non-profit, headquartered in the Netherlands, that connects journalists with new ideas, skills and people. Our focus in 2020 is building resilience into journalism.
The Facebook Journalism Project (FJP) works with publishers around the world to strengthen the connection between journalists and the communities they serve. It also helps address the news industry's core business challenges. Its trainings, programs, and partnerships work in three ways: build community through news, train newsrooms globally, and quality through partnerships.